All recruitable characters in Tactic Ogre Reborn

Tactic Ogre Reborn is an RPG that boasts a big pool of characters. However, not every character is recruitable in the game, as many are just NPCs that are part of the overall story. Regardless, players will get to utilize several characters, and for anyone curious about all recruitable characters in Tactic Ogre Reborn, we’ve listed them all below.

All playable characters in Tactic Ogre Reborn

All the recruitable characters and how to unlock them are mentioned in the table below.

Character Class Chapter How to recruit
Canopus Vartan Chapter 1 Automatically joins your party once you partake in the battle at Tynemouth Hill
Voltare Knight Chapter 1 Automatically joins your party at the end of the battle in Krysaro
Sara  Archer Chapter 1 Automatically joins your party at the end of the battle in Krysaro
Donnalto Cleric Chapter 1 Keep Donnalto alive in the battle at Krysaro
Felicia Cleric Chapter 1 If Donnalto dies in the battle at Krysaro, Felicia will join your party
Xapan Berserker Chapter 2 Rescue Xapan in the battle at Qadriga Fortress 
Arycelle Archer Chapter 2 (Chaotic Route) She will first join your party temporarily once you go through the battle at Xeod Moors, and she is still surviving. Keep her safe in the subsequent few battles, and she will join permanently.
Folcurt Knight Chapter 2 (Chaotic Route) Help Folcurt in Krysaro and keep him alive till Boed Fortress
Bayin Wizard Chapter 2 (Chaotic Route) Ensure Bayin is alive during the battle at Qadriga Fortress
Cistina Valkyrie Chapter 2 (Chaotic Route) In Boed Fortress, if you have Folcurt and Bayin in your party, she will ask to tag along
Jeunan Dragoon Chapter 3 (Lawful Route) Select the second option after the battles in Brigantys
Ravness Valkyrie Chapter 3 (Lawful Route) -Partake in the Balmamusa massacre and ensure Ravness is alive
-Read the Talk topic “Ravness Loxaerion Captured” after the Rhea Boum Aqueduct battle, followed by rescuing Ravness
-Recruit Jeunan and read the “Lord of Coritanae” before entering Bahanna Highlands
-During the battle with Roberval bring his health to 70%, which will trigger a cutscene. Along with Coritanae, head back to Bahanna and interact with Ravness. Help her survive one more battle, and she will join your party
Vyce Ranger Chapter 3 (Lawful Route) Recapture Almorica Castle
Arycelle Archer Chapter 3 (Lawful Route) If you don’t let her die in Chapter 2, she will join your party once you recapture Almorica Castle
Mirdyn White Knight Chapter 3 (Lawful Route) Recapture Almorica Castle
Gildas White Knight Chapter 3 (Lawful Route) Recapture Almorica Castle
Hobyrim Swordmaster Chapter 3 (Lawful Route) If he survives the battle against Ozma in the Arkhaiopolis of Rhime, he will join your party
Phaesta Valkyrie Chapter 3 (Neutral Route) Automatically joins your party if you go to Krysaro after the battle at Tynemouth Hill against Ganpp
Tamuz Knight Chapter 3 (Neutral Route) Automatically joins your party if you go to Krysaro after the battle at Tynemouth Hill against Ganpp
Chamos Wizard Chapter 3 (Neutral Route) Automatically joins your party if you go to Krysaro after the battle at Tynemouth Hill against Ganpp
Hobyrim Swordmaster Chapter 3 (Neutral Route) Select the first option after the battle at Qadriga Fortress
Dievold Terror Knight Chapter 3 (Neutral Route) Save Dievold during the battle in Port Asyton
Oelias Cleric Chapter 3 (Neutral Route) Save Oelias during the battle in Port Asyton
Hobyrim Swordmaster Chapter 3 (Chaotic Route) Save Hobyrim in the battle at Bahanna Highlands
Mirdyn White Knight Chapter 3 (Chaotic Route) Return to to Almorica Castle
Gildas White Knight Chapter 3 (Chaotic Route) Return to to Almorica Castle
Cerya Valkyrie Chapter 3 (Chaotic Route) Automatically joins your party after the battle at Boed Fortress
Olivya Cleric Automatically joins your party after the battle at Brigantys Castle
Cressida Necromancer Read the Talk topic “The Balamusa Dead,” which will trigger a battle. Revive Oelias and kill all the undead in the battle. Once done, go to Qadriga Fortress and fight Dievold, followed by fighting Nybeth in Golyat where you also need to save Cressida. Afterwards, select the “You will not be judged by me” option
Sherri Witch Fight Sherri at Hagia Banhamuba and bring her down to 10% health. Afterwards, enter Balmamusa during the rain to recruit Sherri
Cerya Valkyrie Go to Krysaro after the happenings at Hagia Banhamuba. The “Pirates of Qadriga Fortress” Talk Topic is now accessible as a result. Visit the new battle in Qadriga; Ehlrigh will question you before the battle begins. When you respond “Will you aid us?” the battle will stop right away, allowing you to recruit Cerya 
Ehlrig Cleric Go to Krysaro after the happenings at Hagia Banhamuba. The “Pirates of Qadriga Fortress” Talk Topic is now accessible as a result. Visit the new battle in Qadriga; Ehlrigh will question you before the battle begins. When you respond “Will you aid us?” the battle will stop right away, allowing you to recruit Ehlrig
Ozma Knight Commander Read “A Rift in the Dark Knights” topic before entering Mount Hedon, and rescue Mreauva at Hagia Banhamuba
Xapan Berserker If you didn’t recruit him in Chapter 2, you’ll have to engage him in combat in Golyat and reduce his health to a critical level
Catiua Princess Save Mreuva and he will ask whether Denam wants to kill Catiua. You can either say ‘Yes’ or ‘No,’ but both routes will ultimately lead to Catiua joining your party
Azelstan Buccaneer He will first join as a guest in the battle at Pirate’s Graveyard, and if he survives, he will join permanently
Lindl Fusilier Read the Talk Topic “Rhamsen Wreck Raised” after the events in Barnicia and Phidoch, then travel to Grimsby. Make sure Lindl is alive during this battle, and he will join your party once it ends
Ocionne Beast Tamer Once Barnicia and Phidoch read “Mysterious Blast at Exeter” attempt the Palace of the Dead quest with Junan. You’ll engage in a few battles there before heading to Lhazan Fort to save Ocione. Once Denam answers, “Yes, but his guilt is sincere,” you must continue to follow up on every conversation involving Ocionne, Jeunan, and Denam. As long as she makes it through every combat, you can then recruit her
Ganpp Beast Tamer Read the Talk Topic “The Bandits of Neimrahava” to access Neimrahava Wood after the Grimsy conflict. Reduce Ganpp’s HP in that battle to zero while sparing both Gryphon. Along with his Gryphon companions Obda and Berda, he will join your party

Obda and Berda
Gryphon Recruit Ganpp
Deneb Witch Read “Deneb’s Store” from the Warren Report at the beginning of Chapter 4, then go to her shop. Once there, you can choose to “join” from the menu by making over 99 purchases from her of any kind. 
Rudlum Warlock To access Palace of the Dead, read the Talk Topic “Mysterious Blast” at Exeter. Make sure Rudlum survives the fight on the second floor of the Palace of the Dead and he will join your party

from Gamepur

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