Tears of the Kingdom – Where to Find All Plants, Flowers & Mushrooms

Crafting is a major component in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. Be it cooking, mixing elixirs, or anything you need to help protect yourself during your journey through Hyrule Kingdom. Many of these recipes require core ingredients, such as flowers, mushrooms, or a wide variety of unique plants that you can find while exploring the world.

These small items are scattered throughout Tears of the Kingdom, and tracking down specific ones can be difficult if you want to complete one simple recipe. Thankfully, many of them do have locations where they frequently appear. This guide covers where to find all plants, flowers, and mushrooms in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

Every Plant, Flower, & Mushroom Location in Tears of the Kingdom

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There are dozens of plants, flowers, and mushrooms for you to discover while playing Tears of the Kingdom. You can pick up as many as you’d like because you won’t have the worry about inventory space, and we encourage you to grab as many as possible for any future cooking or crafting recipe you might learn while playing.

Where these resources appear will vary in every region in Tears of the Kingdom, and knowing where you need to go for each one will make your life much easier while playing. Making sure you unlock fast travel locations to every area will also make it easier to scoop up any flower, plant, and mushroom you need so you can make whatever you need in the game.

All Plant Locations in Tears of the Kingdom

Here’s where you can find every plant location in Tears of the Kingdom.

Plant Icon Plant Location Plant Name Effect
A common herb you can find in Hyrule, and have it enhance your cooking recipes. Hyrule Herb Increases the number of hearts you receive when eating food.
You can find these from cutting down trees on Sky Islands. Korok Frond You can attach it to a weapon and use it as a fan, enhancing your arsenal.
A wild root that you can find in cooler climates. Stambulb A helpful item that you can use in cooking recipes that will replenish your Stamina wheel.

All Flower Locations in Tears of the Kingdom

This is where you can find every flower location in Tears of the Kingdom.

Flower Icon Flower Location Flower Name Effect
Regularly appears in forests. Armoranth A helpful flower that can increase your defense when used in meals.
TBA TBA Blue Nightshade TBA
An explosive flower that reacts with Fire and Electricity. You can find it throughout the Depths and sold in select shops. Bomb Flower An item you cannot eat, but can fuse with arrows, shields, and weapons.
Often appears in Hebra Mountains and the Tabantha Frontier Cool Saffina Cooking with this flower increases your heat resistance.
Often appears in East Necluda and Faron Grasslands. Mighty Thistle If you use this in cooking recipes, this will give you an increase in your overall attack power for a limited time.
You can find it while exploring the Depths. Muddle Bud A flower that you can throw at enemies to confuse them, making it difficult for them to the difference between friend and foe.
TBA TBA Silent Princess TBA
The Sundelion is commonly found in sunny areas, particularly on Sky Islands. Sundelion When used in cooking recipes, this item will restore any health depleted by Gloom.
Often appears in Hebra Mountains and the Tabantha Frontier Swift Violet If you put a Silent Princess in a Cooking dish, this will increase your overall movement speed for a limited time.
You can find it in the Eldin Canyon and Gerudo Desert. Warm Safflina When used in cooking recipes, this will provide cold resistance.

All Mushroom Locations in Tears of the Kingdom

These are where you can find every mushroom location in Tears of the Kingdom.

Mushroom Icon Mushroom Location Mushroom Name Effect
You can find this mushroom while exploring Underground Caves in Hyrule. Brightcap This is an item that you can add to cooking recipes, that will cause you to glow.
You can find this mushroom in colder climates, where it’s snowing, at the base of trees, normally in the Gerudo Highlands and the Hebra Mountains. Chillshroom Keeps you cool in regions with warmer temperatures when used in cooking recipes.
TBA TBA Endura Shroom TBA
These will appear in Hyrule Field and West Neculda. Hearty Truffle This is a mushroom that strictly heals you, and can give you additional maximum Health Points when used in cooking.
TBA TBA Hylian Shroom TBA
You can find the Ironshroom while exploring East Necluda and West Necluda. Ironshroom You can mix this into your cooking recipes and it will increase your overall defenses during combat.
The Razorshroom has the chance to appear in the Great Hyrule Forest and the Tabantha Frontier. Razorshroom When you use this mushroom in cooking, it will increase your attack power.
You can find the Puffshroom while exploring the Depths. Puffshroom You can throw it during battle to create a smokebomb.
The Rushroom will appear in the Gerudo Highlands and the Tabantha Frontier. Rushroom Temporarily increases your movement speed when used in cooking recipes.
You can find this in the Akkala Highlands and the West Neculda. Silent Shroom When using this in a cooking recipe, it increases you overall stealth and makes it harder for things to hear you.
A common mushroom that appears on Sky Islands in Tears of the Kingdom. Skyshroom A common mushroom that will restore your health when used in cooking recipes.
One of the more common mushrooms you can find scattered throughout Hyrule. Stamella Shroom Increases your stamina wheel when you use it as an ingredient in cooking recipes.
TBA TBA Sunshroom TBA
TBA TBA Zapshroom TBA

And that’s it! Check out our other The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom guides below to help with crafting, exploring, and tackling challenges across Hyrule.

Tears of the Kingdom Complete Guide | Every Ability & How To Unlock Them | How to Get The Paraglider | How to Get & Use The Travel Medallion | All Armor Locations & Where to Find Them | All Construct Materials & Where to Find Them | All Shrine Locations & Strategies | How to Get More Heart Containers

from Gamepur https://ift.tt/UyfM3jw

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