Settlements are vital to any player’s journey in Fallout 4. These are essentially abandoned spaces that might occasionally be home to different creatures or monsters. Players can do specific tasks to get control over a settlement and make it their own, like any property. Fortunately, there are numerous settlements in the game scattered throughout the map; hence, several places to conquer.
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Fallout 4: Settlement Map & How to Unlock All Settlements

There are 37 settlements in the game, which are mentioned in the table below.
Settlement Location | How to conquer |
Abernathy farm | Help out the Abernathy family by retrieving a specific locket or kill the Abernathy family |
Boston Airport | Complete Shadow of Steel quest or eliminate Brotherhood of Steel |
Bunker Hill | Interact with Kessler after finishing The Battle of Bunker Hill quest |
The Castle | Eliminate the Mirelurk queen |
Coastal cottage | Eliminate the only raider in the location |
County crossing | Complete a Minutemen quest |
Covenant | Side with Jacob Orden during the Human Error quest or eliminate everyone at Covenant |
Croup Manor | Eliminate the ghouls in the area |
Egret Tours Marina | Kill Phyllis or confront her about Samue using the personal logs |
Finch farm | Complete the Out of the Fire quest or eliminate the members of the Finch family |
Graygarden | Complete the Troubled Waters quest or eliminate the robots in the area |
Greentop Nursery | Complete a Minutemen quest |
Hangman’s Alley | Eliminate the raiders in the area |
Home Plate | Purchase the key from Geneva at the Diamond City Mayor’s Office for 2,000 caps to acquire the area |
Jamaica Plain | Eliminate the ghouls in the area |
Kingsport Lighthouse | Eliminate the worshipers of Children of Atom in the area |
Murkwater construction site | Eliminate the Mirelurks in the area |
Nordhagen Beach | Complete a Minutemen quest |
Oberland station | Complete a Minutemen quest |
Outpost Zimonja | Eliminate the raiders in the area |
Red Rocket truck stop | Available by default |
Sanctuary Hills | Available by default |
The Slog | Complete a Minutemen quest |
Somerville Place | Complete a Minutemen quest |
Spectacle Island | Restore power to the circuit breaker and eliminate the Mirelurks in the area |
Starlight Drive In | eliminate the mole rats in the area |
Sunshine Tidings co-op | Eliminate the ghouls in the area |
Taffington boathouse | Eliminate the bloodbugs in the area |
Tenpines Bluff | Complete a Minutemen quest |
Warwick homestead | Complete Building a Better Crop or a Minutemen quest |
The Mechanist’s lair | Complete Restoring Order quest |
Longfellow’s cabin | Complete Walk in the Park quest |
Dalton farm | Complete the second chapter of Cassie Dalton’s quest, Blood Tide |
National Park visitor’s center | Accessible after speaking with Uncle Ken in The Hold Out |
Echo Lake Lumber | Complete Turn Back the Fog quest and return to Small Bertha |
Vault 88 | Complete Better Living Underground quest |
Nuka-World Red Rocket | Complete Power Play or Open Season quest and restore Power to the Nuka-World power plant |
After you have captured a settlement, you can use the structures and resources inside to build it as desired. You can also put decorations, lights, and furniture to make it aesthetically pleasing. Finally, cultivate crops, establish electricity and water sources, and fulfill the general settlement requirements. This will increase the settlement’s size over time, unlocking different perks.
from Gamepur https://ift.tt/wqiB1d0