Payday 3 Review – More Money, More Problems

Payday 3 on PS5

The launch of Payday 3 was certainly off to a rough start, as players were met with matchmaking issues and log-in errors. I was, of course, a part of that bunch that had to constantly refresh the game just to play a few minutes of it, only to be shut out once again with another error. 

But I never like to judge a book by its cover, or in this case, by its launch, no matter how infuriating it may have been. On the surface, Payday 3 has all the makings of an excellent franchise continuation, but honestly, that’s all it truly is: a good start. It just doesn’t feel as complete as the past installments, given that it now requires an online connection, account log-ins, and lacks missions.

from Twinfinite

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