Some troublesome kids over at Midtown have kidnapped Lance for a bit of rivalry fun in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. To get him back, Spider-Man will need to solve a bunch of riddles and puzzles involving a series of high-powered UV laser lights and mirrors.
The Senior Prank side quest will see you swinging around Brooklyn Visions Academy to figure out where exactly Midtown has taken Lance. You’ll have to spend some time switching and moving mirrors to reveal the next clue in the puzzle at each location. Here is how you can complete the Senior Prank mission in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, and all the laser solutions.
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Senior Prank Brooklyn Visions Walkthrough

The Senior Prank mission is a Miles Morales Brooklyn Visions side quest in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. You’ll need to talk to Travis who can be located near the basketball court at Brooklyn Visions Academy to get this quest started. He’ll let you know how Lance has been taken, and that Midtown has left a note with some clues. You can pick up the note which is sitting below the lion statue. This will then put up an objective marker at the next location, which isn’t too far away.
First Puzzle Solution for Senior Prank
When you arrive at this first puzzle in Senior Prank, there will be another note that says ‘The Light always reveals the truth.’ In this area, you’ll find a laser device that is reflecting UV light off a group of mirrors. You need to move and rotate the mirrors so that the laser bounces to its final destination in the puzzle.

If you run towards where the light is initially striking the wall, there will be a mirror on top of a moveable table. Pull this using L1+R1 to attach your webs. This will angle the beam off to the right to another mirror, but this one is on a rotating platform.

Again, use L1+R1, although this time it will spin the mirror and reflect the laser toward the west of the building.

Your next step will be to attack the box, mainly because it’s being a bad box and is in the way. Press the square button to kick the box into pieces.

Lastly, there is one more mirror on a table that you’ll need to move. Run to the west side of the building past the table, then press L1+R1 on it to maneuver the mirror into position. Once this is done the puzzle is complete and it will reveal a hidden message. Hailey will help you decipher the clue and point you in the right direction of where to go next.
Second Puzzle Solution for Senior Prank
By the time you get to the second puzzle in the Senior Prank side quest, you should hopefully have the gist of what you need to do. This next series of mirrors looks more complicated at first glance than it is. However, a bunch of the mirrors in this location can’t actually be moved, and are just here to reflect the beams around. Here is the direction that the UV light should bounce around the area, this is a top-down image of how the mirrors should be set to light the blue path.

Once you’ve set the mirrors in their correct position you’ll receive the next part of the clue and Hailey will tell you where to head next.
Light Beam Paths Solution for Senior Prank

The third and final puzzle requires you to light two paths, with this being a blue and a red path. You can do this in either order, but I started with the blue path first. To get started swing the UV light either toward the blue arrow, or red arrow depending on which direction you want to go in. You’ll then need to have the light follow the corresponding colored mirrors to reach the end. That means if you want to complete the blue path, interact with the blue mirrors and not the red mirrors.

There will be a purple junction mirror that can be used on both paths, again make sure you are following the colored arrow for the path you’re currently completing. There will also be a box obstacle blocking the path of the beam you’ll need to destroy, like on the first puzzle.
Blue Path Solution for Senior Prank
Here is the direction that the UV light should bounce for the Blue path, this is a top-down image of how the mirrors should be set. Once completed you’ll receive half of a clue.

Blue Path Solution for Senior Prank
Here is the direction that the UV light should bounce for the Red path, this is a top-down image of how the mirrors should be set. Once completed you’ll get the other half of the clue.

After both pieces of the clue are put together it will point you in a direction southwest of your current position. There is where you’ll find Lance the Lion and then need to take him back to Brooklyn Visions Academy. Once the Senior Prank side quest is completed you’ll receive 8x City Tokens, 80x Tech Parts, and 1000 XP.
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