World of Warcraft Classic is a return to a time when the MMO first launched. If you want to revisit World of Warcraft’s base game, the Classic gameplay is exactly what you need, and you’ll be able to play through it and the upcoming expansions when they release.
Because World of Warcraft Classic has a smaller player base than the main MMO, you want to make sure you pick a server with a decent-sized player base. These are all of the server population numbers for everyone playing World of Warcraft Classic.
Every World of Warcraft Classic Server & All Population Numbers
We’ve gathered up all of the population numbers for World of Warcraft classic using information posted by IronForge.pro. While these numbers are not the official ones, they give you a decent idea of how many players you can expect to see on the Classic servers and what allegiance reigns supreme on the server.
Related: When does honor reset in World of Warcraft Classic?
Server | Alliance | Horde | Total |
Arugal | 3,892 | 12,481 | 16,373 |
Ashkandi | 664 | 4,497 | 5,161 |
Atiesh | 9,322 | 768 | 10,090 |
Auberdine | 6,555 | 3,439 | 9,994 |
Azuresong | 52 | 0 | 52 |
Benediction | 29,557 | 116 | 29,673 |
Bloodsail Buccaneers | 1,064 | 313 | 1,377 |
Earthshaker | 11,499 | 84 | 11,583 |
Everlook | 13,690 | 184 | 13,874 |
Faerlina | 108 | 33,954 | 34,062 |
Firemaw | 19,211 | 306 | 19,517 |
Gehennas | 121 | 37,336 | 37,457 |
Golemagg | 2 | 20,071 | 20,073 |
Grobbulus | 8,897 | 10,622 | 19,519 |
Lakeshire | 8,354 | 217 | 8.843 |
Mandokir | 946 | 2,325 | 3,271 |
Mankrik | 156 | 14,782 | 14,938 |
Mirage Raceway | 7,589 | 2,778 | 10,367 |
Mograine | 6 | 10,603 | 10,609 |
Nethergarde Keep | 3,138 | 2,061 | 5,199 |
Old Blanchy | 3,059 | 1,253 | 4,312 |
Pagle | 17,015 | 94 | 17,109 |
Pyrewood Village | 11,052 | 104 | 11,156 |
Razorfen | 763 | 6,450 | 7,213 |
Remulos | 395 | 69 | 464 |
Sulfuras | 3 | 0 | 3 |
Sulfuron | 1,287 | 7,714 | 9,001 |
Venoxis | 154 | 19,516 | 19,670 |
Westfall | 5,766 | 50 | 5,816 |
Whitemane | 42 | 21,454 | 21,496 |
Windseeker | 1,655 | 1,762 | 3,417 |
Пламегор | 9,024 | 15,695 | 24,719 |
伊弗斯 | N/A | N/A | N/A |
哈霍兰 | N/A | N/A | N/A |
娅尔罗 | N/A | N/A | N/A |
寒冰之王 | N/A | N/A | N/A |
席瓦莱恩 | N/A | N/A | N/A |
怒炉 | N/A | N/A | N/A |
比斯巨兽 | N/A | N/A | N/A |
瑪拉頓 | N/A | N/A | N/A |
维克尼拉斯 | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Not all of the information is available. Some of the European and Chinese servers are missing. We will update this list with that information if we receive it.
from Gamepur https://ift.tt/y1sfmS4