How To Unlock Koraidon & Miraidon Flying Ability In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

Players may have thought the glide ability was the closest we’d get to flight in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, but we thought wrong. The upcoming Indigo Disk DLC will let us unlock the ability to truly fly on Koraidon or Miraidon.

As you progress through Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, you feed your buddy sandwiches that help it regain its former strength and unlock new abilities. One of the later abilities Koraidon or Miraidon unlocks is its glide ability, which lets you channel Buzz Lightyear and fall in style. While this is useful, it’s not the same as soaring to new heights, and apparently, we’ll be able to do that soon enough with the upcoming Indigo Disk release.

Related: Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Do You Need To Beat The Base Game For The Indigo Disk

Can You Fly On Koraidon or Miraidon in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet?

Pokemon Scarlet Flight Koraidon
Image via The Pokemon Company

If you’re thinking, “But wait, can’t I already fly in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet?” you’re not alone. In the base game, the glide ability is the nearest thing to flying on the back of the travel Pokemon. This ability is unlocked through the Path of Legends questline with Arven. Glide is one of the last abilities that you’ll help your companion remember in the base game.

However, with the addition of the Indigo Disk DLC, players will be able to unlock the ability to actually fly on Koraidon or Miraidon rather than simply gliding. This should mean you can go higher once you start flying rather than simply slowly drifting towards the ground.

How To Unlock Flight in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: The Indigo Disk

Pokemon Violet Flight Miraidon
Image via The Pokemon Company

According to a news release from the official Pokemon website, players will be able to fly on Koraidon or Miraidon once they reach a certain point in the Indigo Disk DLC.

This flight ability is unlocked through a challenge called the Elite Trial, which is set by one of the BB League’s Elite Four Members. Given that the Elite Four are usually an endgame part of any Pokemon adventure, it’s safe to say you’ll need to be a good way into the game before you get this opportunity.

Once players complete this challenge from Amarys, they will gain the power of flight in a way that seems temporary at first. However, it seems there will be a way to ensure your Pokemon friend retains the ability to fly once you’ve hit a certain point in your Pokemon adventure.

After flying becomes a permanent part of Koraidon or Miraidon’s skills, the Pokemon company says you’ll be able to “fly wherever you please.” It will certainly be interesting to reach new heights of the open world and be able to bypass pesky obstacles like mountains.

We’ll have to play our way through Indigo Disk to see exactly what this means, but it certainly sounds like we shouldn’t expect to fly right from the start of the next installment in our Pokemon adventure. Much like gliding before it, this ability to easily navigate the map from the sky is likely not going to be introduced until you’ve done things the hard way at least once.

from Gamepur

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